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anal leakage

19 13:34:21

My 3 year old beagle's butt leaks occasionally.  Smells pretty bad, but not a 'fecal' smell.  It just smells rotten.  She doesn't appear to be in ANY pain from it, but she does leave stains on the blanket every once in a while.  And it is definatly from her butt, not other parts.  
 Cause for worry?  

Hi Adam,
I'm not positive, but this sounds like her anal glands are impacted.  Dogs have a gland on each side of their anus that emits a substance that helps with bowel movements. Yes, it's very smelly! The glands can be expressed, and should be every time you bathe her.  Place your thumb and forefinger around the anus,palm downwards, and gently squeeze.  Once you get used to it, you can actually feel the swelling.  If you don't feel comfortable doing this, your Vet can do it for you, but as I said you really should do it every time she is bathed or more often if needed. The reason I suggest you do it when bathing, is because of the smell and the need to cleanse the area really good afterwards.  I hope this helps!

God Bless,