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Car Sickness

19 10:22:13

Hi Shawn,
    I have an 8 month old Boston Terrier (Riley).  I have such a problem with him getting into the car.  He shakes like a leaf and then drools.  He has also vomited on 2 occassions. I have tried everything; just sitting in the parked car and giving treats and praise.  We got him a booster seat and he seems to do much better.  He initially shakes for about a minute or so and then seems to just relax and look around.  But he drools. I have spoken to my vet and they said that he could take a pill if I decided to go with that idea.  I really don't want to do that.  Do you have any other suggestions?  I also have a 1 1/2 year old Boston who has no problem whatsoever.  Loves the car.  I feel so bad for Riley.  What is your opinion?  Thank you so much.  Annette  

Hi Annette-

Unfortunatly, I am of the same mind as the vet. A low grade tranq would make things a lot easier for them. Some dogs are just this way about the car- I have a 2 year old golden retriever who is terrified of the car and got horrible sick. After trying dozens of things, I decided to take the prescription. However,  If you would like to go with something other then an actual tranq, try:

Rescue Remedy (homeopathic)
Melatonin (natural occuring sedative available at drug stores, 1MG-10 LBS)
Doggie Downers- biscuits available at petsmart/petco that contains melatonin and natural calming herbs
There are also calming sprays you can spray in the car 10 minutes before putting Riley in the car.

It sounds like with a bit of exposure training (continuing what you are doing) and a little bit of the homeopathic remedies, you may be able to avoid the pills. He doesn't sound so terrified that he won't look around and sit up.

I hope this helps a little! Good luck!