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Help me please

19 11:26:49

i have just gotten a little puppy on Halloween, and we think he's a german shepard and lab mix (we don't know!) he's black w/a small white patch of fur on his chest. he looks like a german shepard but he DOES looks like he's mixed with another breed. his ears are flopped over, right on the top of his head.

I have two questions:

1) Can you tell me what breed he might be/might be mixed with?

2) How do you potty-train a house-puppy?

Janese, I cannot even begin to guess what breed he might be without seeing him, and even then, if he's very young, I still would not be able to tell you because puppies of many different breeds look very similar. If you could e-mail me some pictures of him, I could try.

Where did he come from? How big is he? What does he weigh? Do you know how old he is? Does he still have puppy teeth or have his adult teeth come in yet? My e-mail address is blueridgerescue at

I'm no longer answering housebreaking questions, as stated on my profile page, but if you take a few minutes to read over my previous answers on the subject, you should find more than enough helpful suggestions.