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9 month potty trained dog

19 9:56:13

my dog was toilet trained but after coming into her first heat she is starting to wee inside. it is winter and she doesn't like it outside when wet or cold bur as it is corresponding to her first heat could it be related to that. I am frustrated could you please help


Hi Jo,

A female dog can have more frequent urination during it's heat cycle. It's impossible to guess at whether or not it's the weather or the heat cycle that caused your dog's recent accident. If it only happened once, and the weather happened to be bad, the weather might be to blame. It's also possible that your dog has developed a urinary tract infection. This would make it uncomfortable for her to "hold it". You shouldn't punish your dog for this, as she knows it's very wrong but can't help it.  If your dog is having accidents with frequency, your dog should be examined by your vet.

Though it's best to spay a dog before the onset of her first heat cycle, your dog can still gain important health benefits from being spayed now. There is less than 1% incidence of Mammary tumors in animals spayed before their first heat, versus higher than 50% incidence in intact female dogs over 5 years of age. Surgery is easier on younger animals, so it's best to do the surgery as early as possible. Spaying also prevents all Uterine infections, which is increasingly common with age, and often life-threatening.

Best of luck,