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raising 2 pups together

19 11:00:57

Hello! I have a silky terrier that is 4months and a rat terrier that is 8weeks old. I am not sure how to handle the eating time and the potty time. My silky goes crazy all the time regardless who is around. He also pees everywhere even if he has been out. I need help on how to handle them together. they do not fight with eachother.

The very worst thing one can do is to bring in two puppies at the same time. As you are discovering, it is very, very difficult to deal with them.

They can be fed at the same time in their respective crates.

As to potty time, the baby will obviously need to go out much more often than the Silky, but since the Silky seems to be pottying all the time everywhere, it probably won't hurt him to go out frequently either. It is almost impossible to housebreak a dog without using some form of confinement, such as a crate. Start over doing that with both of the dogs. If you cannot WATCH them, they must be confined!

You might also want to take the Silky in for some tests to make sure that he doesn't have a bladder infection; it is impossible to housebreak a sick dog.

And if the Silky is deliberately marking (he's a bit young for that, but it is a possibility), he needs to be neutered ASAP, put into obedience classes, and you need to start practicing "Nothing in Life is Free" (which you should be doing anyway).