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Duclaws removed what about the cone?

19 11:33:26


Webster is a 5 year old Lhasa who just had both front duclaws removed 5 days ago. I struggled with the decision and finally just did as he was catching them on things. The cone is on and is driving him crazy! |The vet said 10 days to keep it on??? When can I really take this off and reduce the stress he is going through? Healing looks good, no visible hanging stitches for him to chew.. as well when they take the stitches out on the 10th day is it painful for him?

Thank you

Hello David, You know your pet better than anyone, try taking the cone off when you are around to watch him, if you see him doing anything but licking the wound, then you know you have to put the cone back on.  If he removes the stitches to soon, you run the risk of the incision opening or healing with a larger scar than necessary.  Usually 7 days is sufficient time for most incisions to heal properly.  As far as taking the stitches out causing him pain, not usually, some minor discomfort maybe, but not pain.  Thanks for asking, Cindy Lou :)