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how often to bathe my puppy?

19 10:36:37

I am currently bathing my cairn terrier puppy about once a month... but we went to the dog park once and he afterwards he SMELLED BAD! If I want to take my dog to the dog park more often, how should I arrange my baths?

I think the more important question is WHY did he smell bad after visiting the dog park, Jeff? What kind of bad smell was it? Was it as if he had rolled in something icky? Was it more like a 'wet dog' smell, or something totally different?

Dogs smell for many reasons, but one of the most common reasons is because of their diet. Can you tell me what food you are feeding him currently?

I have German shepherds. The only time they get bathed with soap is if they have rolled in something gross. I will hose them down after they have gone swimming at the lake or in the ocean, but other than that, they never get a bath. They also do not smell. I've actually had non-dog people comment that my dogs do not have that 'doggie smell' that many dogs do. I attribute that to the fact that they are fed a high quality food that their body does not have to work so hard to digest and utilize.