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19 9:33:31

I have a 2yr old male dobie and i want to get a red male will they get along or not


There is no way of telling. You have to research the new dogs personality and see how it fits with the current dogs personality. Introduction is very important. You must takes steps in making the older dog comfortable and confident. Have your old dog meet the new one before you make any decisions. I highly recommend that you choose a neutral ground (not your home) for introductions, like a park. A walk is a great way to get them to focus on something else if there is too much energy. I am not sure if you are looking to adopt, rescue, or go to a breeder but they should give you some leeway to get your dogs comfortable as you introduce them. I have two male Pit Bulls and I had just adopted one from the shelter. They all get along famously! Good luck to you!