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Home grooming

19 14:17:10

I bought a Gromming kit awhile back for my dog[Spanky]he like many dogs don't like getting a hair cut,what methods are easy to do,so I can
give it a try myself,usually he get a professional grommer that comes to our house[Cannie Clippers],they do a wonderful job,BUT,
Spanky so scared when they give him a haircut,that he shakes for days,after the cut.
If I tell him he's getting a haircut,he'll start to shake and lays quietly someplace[hideing]
So I'd thought I'd give it a try to cut alittle
bit of hair off,to help between cuts. Thanks!

Frankly, none of it is easy to do if one has never used clippers before or if the dog is afraid of grooming or badly-trained (on the grooming table). I would suggest that you ask the groomer if you can watch a few times to see exactly what is involved and how your dog behaves with the groomer, and then decide if grooming is something you can do with your dog.

Always be sure to tell the dog how BEAUTIFUL he looks after his groom, as many dogs do seem to react to what they hear afterwards. Make a big fuss over him! His shaking afterwards may be a reaction to cold if he is allowed to go too long between groomings and his hair length goes from long to short.