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Chinese Crested Products and Food Brands

19 14:08:09

Hi Becky!

We recently became owners of a beautiful Chinese Crested hairless.  I have purchased two Chinese Crested breed books along with joining some Internet groups to make sure I am doing the best I can for our little one.  I am aware of products that I should not use on her skin (e.g., oil based, lanolin), along with foods to stay away from (by-products, corn, wheat, and soy).  However, I am trying to learn about specific brands to try.  Can you tell me what brands you use for your Cresteds with respect to the categories below?  

1. Shampoo  
2. Lotion
3. Dog Food  

Also, can you suggest some websites that have a good selection of clothes and accessories for the Cresteds?  


HI Trish!

Aren't cresteds great?  I just love mine. I have two hairless and one powder puff.  You can see mine if you would like to visit my website!  be sure and sign my guestbook so I'll know you dropped by! Copy and paste:

Now, to answer your questions.  Honestly, I do not use any specific shampoo or lotion. I just use what I have on hand. I have never had any problems from using my own stuff.  The only thing I do different, is that I have a bath brush that I use to scrub them really well, because this particular breed will develop acne just like people do. By using the cleansing brush, it helps to get rid of and prevent it.   As far as food goes, I use Purina ONE.  I have tried the more expensive brands and have found that ONE is just as good. Compare the labels.
My sister swears by Life's Abundance.  Go here to read and/or order it:
When you go there, click on the link under the pets, then click on "dog food".  It is a very rich food, and is suppose to be as close to natural meat that you can get.  Be warned though, that if decide to try it, slowly add it to the food your dog is eating now, because it is so rich, it could cause problems if you try to change over too fast.  It is a bit pricey, but they deliver it to your door, and my sister says her dogs have never done better!  If I didn't have so many, and I had the money,  I would definetley use it.
I don't know of any particular link to getting chinese crested products.  I usually just go to google search engine and type in "chinese crested" and see what comes up. I buy children's sweat shirts and put them on my dogs in the winter, but they actually would rather go "naked"!  LOL   I just love these dogs, they're so sweet and loving.  

God bless,