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The Eyes of a Boxer

19 10:22:08


Hello. My question is concerning the small area (maybe the third eyelid area?) on the inside of a Boxers eye. Sometimes its white and sometimes its black. To me, it adheres more to the "Boxer Look" when this area is black. Does this coloring variation between white and black have anything to do with the quality of a Boxer Dog(Health or Boxer Standard)? Any knowledge or opinions about this would be greatly appreciated. I have attached a pic of my sealed reverse brindle female boxer for reference.Don't worry on a sunny day you can see the red sheen down her side. As you can see she has one side black and one side white. Please advise any comments.

Hi Robert-

There is nothing in the standard that advises against whites in the eye (and that IS in the standard in a few other breeds) however from what I understand it is thought "cleaner" if the dog has dark lining to match their dark points. It affects nothing health wise, it's just pigmentation. You have a beautiful reverse brindle, with a nice bitchy head! It's not every day I see a female with a correct boxy head  that isn't too blocky, and isn't too "snipey".

Hope this helps!