Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > Male AKC Shitzu 5 years old

Male AKC Shitzu 5 years old

19 11:02:06

I have just found really bloody stools from my dog. Any ideas All shots no change in foods not acting sick  fould odor

Hi Debbie,

Thank you for writing to me about your munchkin with tummy problems.

Bloody stools with a foul odor could be a number of things.  Fast your dog for 24 hrs then start with canned pumpkin (or sweet potato) and white rice cooked very soft.  If his stools are normal, slowly build up to his regular diet.  If he is still having the problem, you will have to get him checked out. He could have something like Giardia and will need medication.  Giardia is contagious to humans.

Good luck.

Best Regards,
Shelley Davis