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Aggressive 10 week old puppy

19 14:04:52

Dear Charlotte,
Thank you so much for replying to my previous question about my puppy being aggressive to my JRT (and me!) and giving me lots of good advise.  The massage sounds really good and I will get the video.
My little puppy is getting much more confident but is still playing roughly with my JRT and me too for that matter!  In fact it is not just during play but will snap at him if he gets in his way, or is annoying him in any way. I had him in the kitchen yesterday playing with his toys when he snapped at the JRT and I picked him up and put him in time out behind the kitchen door and he got really angry and anxious and started to chew the door and scream loudly!  I have never heard such angry chewing and loud howling from such a small puppy.  So I didn't know whether I should allow this to continue or not so I just picked him up and put him back in his crate to let him know that if he's naughty then the fun and games end. He also races up to my little yorkie, (who doesn't tolerate his bad behaviour by the way and tells him what's what!) and will bump her with his backside and then run off! Is this dominance behaviour in the making?  
He has also become very attached to me and will not allow me out of his sight.  If I move he moves.  If he cannot see me he panics.   I give him toys to play with, and he plays with them while I'm in his sight, but as soon as I move he drops them and is stuck to me like glue. He won't play with them in his crate either. If he can see me and not reach me e.g. I am on the top of the stairs and he can't get to me, then he starts to howl and whine and pace around.   Or if the JRT gets in his way when he is trying to get to me he bites him and tries to chase him away. I know this is not good and will be a recipe for separation anxiety down the line.  If he's in his crate and hears me even speak (or cough even!) he will start howling and jumping around in the crate to try to get out to me.  How do I get him used to being away from me and be happy about it?  Or to allow me to move away from him and not have to come with me all the time?  

Hi Margaret'
I think there is already a little separation anxiety.
Could be he was separated from his mother too soon. Some people think if they keep puppies away from their motherexcept when they are feeding, that they adjust better when they go to new homes, but they don;t. It just makes it worse,
When you put him in timeout and he was throwing a fit, that is normal.
Like a little child that throws a temper tantrum when they don't get their way.
I am not sure what whacking with their butt means, my Australian Shepherd mix does that to me. He will just walk up to me, turn and wham into me with his but, and walk away.
I think it is a little bit of domination behavior, with someone you dare not get to openly difiant with.
He doesn't dare behave as aggressivelly with the yorkie, be cause he knows she will clean his polw, so he does the bumping.LOL
He diffinately wants to be the alpha in the family, but the Yorkie has shown him she is not his underling, so he doesn't get as aggressive with her.
My little Lhasa does the Aussie that way. That is what gets him sent to time out so much.
But Rowdy doesn't like me to put Max in time out.
Rowdy was a year old when my son brought Max to me, and he took over that puppy like he was it's mother.
I heard kill kill, growling when Max was about 8 weeks old, and went in to fine Rowdy sitting in the living room, with Max hanging from his face growling like a demon.
Rowdy looked at me like "Do you believe this", and wasn't even ruffled by it.
I picked Max off Rowdy's cheek and scolded him. Rowdy took the puppy from me in a very haughty manner, and cuddled him like he was protecting his "baby" from that mean old lady.
Rowdy lets Max dictate to him. He doesn't try it with the others, because he knows they won't tollerate it.
Max is 6 now and Rowdy is a little over 7 years, and he STILL lets Max rule him like Max is his spoiled rotten child.
Max threw a tantrum the first few times I put hi in time out too.
If he sleeps in his crate, I wouldn't put him there for punishment, or he will come to think he is being punished every time he is put to bed.
The clinging will ease off when you get the vidoes and start getting hi more relaxed and confident.
He is insecure and that is whay he is such a bully, and also why he follows you around so closely.
I don'y know though, none of my cats or dogs have ever thought I could go to the bathroom by myself. Almost every one I have had comes in with me and sits or lies down while I am in there.
The dogs I have now pretty well take every step I do, and the youngest one of them is a little over 3 yrears old.
Everything my husband or I do, they are right there, like we can't do it without their supervision.
As you have had him long enough for him to learn he is not going to lose you and his security, he will relax the jealousy I think.
Try to ignore the temper fit. If you give in, he will learn that he can wear you down, and then he will just keep the tamtrum going until you cave.
Stuff like this is why I say I have not found much of a difference in raising human children and animal children.
Basically, you just teach them a different way to go to the bathroom and eat. Everything else is pretty much the same.
You are dealing with individual personalities, and what will work easily with one will be difficult with another.
Hang in there, mim.LOl