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bad haircut

19 9:54:03

We just had our 6 month old yorkie groomed professionally  for the first time today.  We asked the groomer to just take off a little bit of hair. And to just trim him up. she explained about matting and we told her to still just trim him.  When we returned he was shaved bald. We are now approaching winter and it gets cold where we live.  How long does it take for a yorkies hair to grow back? and is there anything we can put on it to help it?

Hello Kelli,

If she explained about mats then she must have checked your Yorkie out and saw that the mats were to server to brush out.  6 months is that age of mats, mats and more mats, unless brushed out daily.  Groomers must use their professional judgement and won't put a dog through strenuous dematting. Hair grows back and shaving is more human.  A healthy coat will grow back very quickly, say in about 4 - 8 weeks.  I would assume you don't leave him outside for any length of time - so a sweater will work just fine.  Most little dogs enjoy a sweater and he should be very happy.

Susan Potts  
Professional Groomer & Pet Food Adviser
440-254-3606 Pro Groomer USA Holistic Foods The Healthy Dog Your Pet's Best Friend