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Possible mixed breed?

19 9:42:11


My baby
Hello, I recently rescued a 7 week old puppy from an animal shelter. When he was adopted they said he would a chow/retriever but we think he may be a pit mix of some sorts. He's our baby and we would love any clues you could give! He's very stock with muscular hind legs, and weighs 8lbs right now.

Hi  i took a bit because I researched where you could send his DNA if you want to.  If you google MARS MX panel,,, it will give you an address where you can find out exactly what his heritage is....I don't know the price offhand, but it is exciting to be able to find out exactly what your dog is....I believe they even tell you the amount of each breed he has in his back ground/
As for looks, he might have pit, lab and chow....he is still young and it is hard to tell at this age.
My daughter has a full breed pit,,, she was very strict with her upbringing and always made sure she was the boss, and that dog has turned out wonderful.