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breaking old training

19 13:44:00

Hi -

I just adopted a 4-year-old beagle from a shelter in the city, and we're having some problems housebreaking him. It seems at some point he was trained not to defecate while on a leash or in the presence of anyone, since he will not defecate while being walked under any circumstances.

We have started crate training, but if he has to, he would rather go in his crate (and spend the rest of his time in there freaking out) than go while on a leash outside. As a result, we can never praise him for going outside, cause he simply doesn't do it.

What are our options here? He's a wonderful and well-behaved dog in all other aspects.

Hi Jeff, How long ago did you adopt him? It takes 4 weeks for an adult dog to acclimate to a new home, so it can take time for him to get use to your schedule & way of doing things.  As far as going to the bathroom, it is not uncommon for a dog to not go to the bathroom on a leash.  The leash is like an umbilical cord, the dog is still attached to you and too close to go to the bathroom in his mind.  Also, some dogs can't get nature going by just walking.  It is a lot easier if you can get the dog to run.  You might try getting an extend-a-lead, one of those leashes that extends out automatically.  Then throw a toy or ball to get the dog to run and fetch it.  Running can help to get things moving, and the extension can sometimes help get distance in the dog's mind, hopefully getting him to go to the bathroom.  The real key here is to get him running.  Hope this helps,
