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my dog keeps scratching

19 13:44:01

i own a yorkshire terrier and recently he has been scatching constantly along his back. We thought it might be fleas but we haven't seen any on him. We've tried switching around shampoos but nothing has helped. We just wanted to see what the scratching might be. please respond -thanks

Hi Samantha!

It could still be fleas, you may not see them. It only takes one flea to drive some dogs nuts.  You may want to put some frontline on him just to be sure.  He may also have allergies.  He could be allergic to the shampoo you are using.  It is really hard to tell without running expensive tests.  One thing you could do is use a medicated shampoo.  Lather up good and try to leave it on him at least 5 min before you rinse off.  If it's too cold to do that, wrap him up on a towel for the waiting time.  It should help.   If you feel like he is itching a lot, then you can give him some Benadryl.  I am going to list instructions below for using it. (be sure to note that it is NOT safe to use the liquid form)
God Bless,

Benadryl for Dogs or Cats

Benadryl is a brand name for an anti-histamine (diphenhydramine).  Although it is considered fairly safe for use in dogs and cats,  please be aware that it does have potential adverse side effects.  It may interact with other meds that your pet is taking, so do not use it without first consulting your veterinarian. You should also use extreme caution using Benadryl in dogs that have glaucoma, prostatic disease, cardiovascular disease or hyperthyroidism.  

Benadryl is quite effective when used in proper dosages.  
Stops itching
Controls vomiting
Good for motion sickness
Can be used as a mild tranquilizer
Good for snake bites
Useful for vaccination reactions
Good for bee stings and insect bites

Be sure to use only the plain Benadryl formula. Giving benadryl with other combination of meds could be fatal, so be sure to read the box.

Liquid Benadryl is too high in alcohol content to be safely used for animals.  Please use capsule or pill form.  

Dosage every 8 hours
Dogs under 30 lbs and Cats :  10 mg
Dogs 30-50 lbs:  25 mg
Dogs over 50 lbs: 50 mg