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potty trouble after kennel

19 10:44:38

Our 18 month old labradoodle has forgotten how to go outside. She was kenneled for 3 days, has been home over 2 weeks. Will not go outside on her own. She just sits on the porch and whines regardless of what I tell her (potty, go out...) She goes to the backroom of our basement to relive herself on the cement. We've been on walks, I've gone out with her...not sure what else to try. Today she used my new carpet! I'm back to keeping her in the kitchen and taking her out every few hours like when she was little. Any help/advise will be greatly appreciated. Is this normal?

I think you will have to crate her like a puppy,if you don't have a crate buy one-and keep her in there all the time except to go outside,to be fed,to go for walks ect and do that for a 2 weeks,then slowly let her out more and if she goes back to accidents put her back in there for another week,that is the fastest way of fixing housetraining issues

It is common for some dogs after boarding to do this type of thing,but usually goes away after a few days,but some dogs need a push(the crate)

Also it might very well be a medical problem,like a bladder infection,so it might not hurt for your vet to look at her