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peeing while asleep in my bed

19 10:03:32

Jezzy is almost 2 years old, has been fixed and is a wonderful dog.  At night while we are in bed watching tv she is allowed on the bed to play with us.  She will fall asleep and pee in the bed or somethimes we will see her start to lick her buttocks area where she urinates like she is trying to keep it from coming out.  She peed last week and then started to pee last night when we caught her.  I just want to know if you think it might be a UTI problem because she is a very happy dog and I do not think it is intentional...thank you, Rani

Yes, it sounds like it could be a medical problem, I would get a vet check to eliminate that possibitlity.  It could also be submissive urination, she is up on the bed on your level and is getting attention, some dogs urinate submissively, it is involuntary, dog needs more self-confidence and training, there is more info about it online.