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My big dog wants to eat my little dog

19 11:02:04

I just rescued a small male (not neutered) eight month old mixed puppy and brought him home.  I have two other dogs, a female Shepard 3 years old that is spayed. The problem dog is my Rottweiler, a male neutered 4 year old.  My female dog took to the puppy right away.  We introduced them to each other in our front yard while both on a leash.  We then put the Shepard back in house and brought out the male.  He immediately went into attack mode.  He knocked me and my husband both down trying to get to this little dog.  Normally Brando is a very sweet dog and not aggressive at all.  This was such a shock to both of us how he behaved.  My husband could barley hold onto him.  Then we tried putting the little dog in a crate, to let Brando get use to his smells, but know he is trying to get in the crate by pushing it around.  If we weren't there to watch him, he would rip it apart.  Is there any hope of me keeping this little dog or will I have to give him away?

Sherry, because of the seriousness of this situation (the Rottie could quickly and easily injure or kill the puppy, not to mention the puppy could develop fear issues because of the behavior of the Rottie - attacks on puppies by other dogs have a lasting impression), I would strongly suggest that you open the phone book and start calling local trainers ASAP. Try to find a trainer that has experience dealing with aggression in dogs, and if you can find one that can come to your house to work with you, that would be great.

Do NOT attempt to have the puppy and the rottie together until you are with the trainer. Keep them completely separated. If the shepherd is good with the puppy, you can allow them to play and interact, but the Rottie should be put away when the puppy is out, and the puppy should be put away (ie: in another room) when the Rottie is out.