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Dogs that go to the bathroom inside

19 11:01:18

I have 3 shitzus one is 4 the other 5 and the newest one is about 11 weeks old I've had the two older ones since they were babies. I have a dog door so they have free roam of when they want to go out or come in. They don't hesitate to urinate in the house on carpets only especially when it is cold and wet outside. The oldest one knows because his personality will show you hes done something wrong before you find it. I've tried urine gone and products similiar and I am always steam cleaning. I have also found urine on the side of couches, in the formal dining where it seems the older on who is a male has lifted his leg and urinated on our dining room chairs which are fabric. What can I do? The simplest would be to get rid of all animals but I just can't do that I love them all so much but I have two children, 2 cats, 3 dogs, a ferret and a fish I'm starting to think this is turning into a zoo and I can't have them going to the bathroom whenever, wherever they want. I tried smacking there nose and putting them out but that is so hard for me I don't like to hit and I don't catch them in the act so I don't want to scold the wrong animal. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

Crate your dogs. Take them out on a regular schedule. Close the doggie door and take them out yourself. GIve them thirty minutes to potty if they don't put them back in the crate, wait half an hour and take them out again. Take them out individually to the same spot every time. LOTS of praise when they go outside. DO NOT allow them free reigrein of the house until they have proven themselves. I know it's a lot of trouble, but you owe it to your dogs not to allow their lack of housetraining to force you into rehoming them. Something you might not like to hear is that most housetraining issues are the fault of the owner and not the dog :). Punishment is useless, they don't understand it and will not respond to it. RUbbing their nose in it only makes them either think you are nuts, or think they are supposed to eat or drink it. Ignore the mistakes, lots and lots of praise for the successes OUT side. Also be sure that they are on a very strict feed/water schedule, including no water after nine pm and no food after five pm
Good luck!