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Young Dog Aggressive Towards New Puppy

19 9:46:33


Wolfy, Henry, Jack
Hello. My family has three dogs. Jack - Jack Russell who is the oldest at 9, Wolfy - Pomeranian who is 5 and the latest member Henry -Pug who is nearly three months. When Jack was young he was attacked by a large staffy and since then he had problems with other dogs, he passed this anxious behavior onto Wolf as now they are both aggressive towards other dogs.
It is also my fault as I walk them by myself and I never put myself in a situation where Wolfy could meet other dogs because of the risk of Jack getting into a fight. So Wolfy now barks at everything that passes.
Now we have a new puppy who is very confident and playful and wants to be friends with the other dogs. The problem is that Jack is aggressive towards the puppy at times but Wolfy is much worse. He wants to lick the puppy all the time or gets nervous and bares his teeth and tongue. If the puppy licks Wolfy or tries to smell his behind Wolfy gets very aggressive and nips the air around Henry.
I'm very worried that Wolf will attack Henry at some point. As when Wolf was a puppy Jack did attack him a few times, he even drew blood. I don't want this to happen and can't seem to find any specific advice. Neither Jack or Wolfy have been to training, could this help?

Obedience training helps all sorts of problems.  You may also need to train the puppy to leave the older dogs alone.  Once past 3 years old, many dogs don't want anything to do with puppies, their sharp little teeth, and their biting games.  You need to teach the puppy to leave the older dog alone.  As soon as the puppy starts to focus on the older dog, give it a sharp ''Ah, ah, ah!'' and offer it a chew toy.