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puppy bite marks on head of puppy

19 10:21:52

I have a puppy from a litter of 9 blue weimaraners and on his head are several marks left over from where the other puppies had bitten him.They really show up due to the short hair and the contrast of thin dark puppy hair and his light skin. A couple of them even still have what seems to be dry skin but is hard like a scab I have put moisturizer on them and bathed him attempting to speed up the ?healing? process but it comes back the same. What should I do for him, do you think that they will be permanent scars and what can I do to prevent them from permanently scaring. And what can I do to heal them quickly as I am looking for a home for him.  Thank you, Diana

Hi Diana-

In rescue, we use Prepheration H (just, regular Prep H from the drug store) on scars. It works miracles. I have seen the worst scars on former fighting dogs melt away. Just rub it on twice a day, and keep away from his eyes. Hope this helps!