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Dog Licking other dog

19 10:28:41

We have a 4 year old Beagle (female). We got her as a pup. We then got a cat (female) kitten. And for the two years we had her, the dog would lick her butt whenever she got the chance. She would get obsessive about it. When the cat would climb up where the dog could not get to her, the dog would whine. She would follow her everywhere too. So we gave the cat to another family thinking it couldn't be good for her to be licked all the time. We thought it had something to do with scent: like maybe her scent reminded the Beagle of a rabbit or something. But last month, we rescued a 5 year old Dachshund (female). It has been over a year since we gave the cat away. But after about a week, the dog started licking the rescued dog. Needless to say, the rescued dog keeps trying to get away - usually coming to me - but the Beagle just keep s after her in the same pattern as the cat. What should we do? I have tried to draw her attention away, flick her nose, and clap my hands when she is doing it - nothing sways her. I love them both. Please help!

Hi Jamie,

Some dogs are just by nature very "oral." or your Beagle may just be really submissive, and licks to let the other dog know that she is, and means no harm. Or, it may be an obsessive compulsive disorder that she can't control. Since this is the second pet your Beagle is licking, it's a possibility that the licking is an obsessive habit, meaning it may be hard to get her to stop.

Try providing your Beagle with chew toys the minute she starts licking your other dog.  Keep redirecting her to her toys instead of the other dog. Alternatively, you can  we keep your Beagle on a leash at all times while she was around your other dog. The moment she looks like she's thinking of licking the Dachshund,  give her a command such as "sit" or "down", etc.. Reward her warmly when she obeys the command. You have to be very consistent and persistent with this, and even still it might not help if the behavior is more than an ordinary habit and is an obsessive compulsive disorder.  You should talk to your veterinarian,  there is medication available to help.

Increasing the amount of daily exercise your Beagle gets can also help. I can't stress this enough.

The licking, though annoying will not hurt your other dog, (or a cat if you get another one). Eventually, when your Dachshund has had enough, she'll get up and move away.  If it makes you feel any better, this could be a lot worse! Some dogs obsessively lick themselves causing open bloody sores which never quite heal, due to the constant licking. Other dogs obsessively lick floors, furniture, or other non-edible items.

Best of luck,
