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my dog has inflamed bumps on her paws

19 9:56:14

my dog has inflamed swollen bumps between one toe on each paw that she licks obsessively. I have tired cleaning it daily but its unchanging. Could you tell me if i can treat it over the counter and what you think will work?


Hi Leyah,

This thing you are seeing between your dog's toes could be a mass, a fluid filled pocket or pus filled pocket if there has been any type of injury (like from a pricker bush or something similar puncturing the area). It could also be from a sting if a stinger is still in. First look closely for any tiny puncture mark or scab. Another thing it might be are "Interdigital cysts".  These are painful nodular lesions located on the skin between a dogs toes. Many times dogs that develop these cysts have under-active thyroid levels (called hypothyroidism) so, your dog might need a blood test to rule this out. Your dog might have a secondary skin infection which would also require treatment. Allergies can also cause Interdigital cysts.

Unfortunately, the only way to know what the problem is, is to have your veterinarian examine your dog. As you've said, you've tried to take care of this on your own, and it's not getting better. If your dog really has Interdigital cysts, it's not something you can treat on your own.  Meanwhile your dog is very uncomfortable. Putting off treatment can cause a longer, more complicated and more expensive treatment, so it's best to see a vet promptly when your dog is having a problem.

If you are having trouble afford veterinary care, first talk to your regular vet. Ask your veterinarian if he or she will let you work out a payment plan. Many veterinarians are willing to work out a weekly or monthly payment plan so that you do not have to pay the entire cost of veterinary care up front. Another option is to contact your local shelter or Humane Society. Some shelters operate or know of local subsidized veterinary clinics or veterinary assistance programs. If you happen to live within driving distance to veterinary school, check with them to see if they offer discount services to the public. There are two special credit cards to apply for which help with medical bills (including veterinary bills) read about them here:

There are organizations that provide financial assistance to pet owners in need. Please keep in mind that each organization is independent and has their own set of rules and guidelines. Therefore you will have to investigate each one separately to determine if you qualify for assistance:

Best of luck,
