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teacup chiuaua

19 10:27:41

My dog is less than a year old and lately he is having a problem with his leg popping out and we have to rub it to put it back, there wasn't any injury that we are aware of so I'm needing to know what is the best treatment for this or what to try.

Hi Angela,

In some small breeds, including the Chihuahua,  this is an inherited condition.  Injury has nothing to do with a dog developing it.  You also didn't say which joint is having the problem, the knee joint is commonly the effected joint. In the knee, this condition is called "luxating patella".

Your puppy needs to be examined by your veterinarian. Although you are able to get the joint back into the socket with with massage, in time the irritation can cause arthritis to develop. Your puppy is in pain from this problem.

Now, while your puppy is still quite young, is the time to have this problem fixed!

If surgery is required, young dogs stand up to the stresses of surgery and anesthesia best. They also heal faster. If you bought your puppy from a pet store, it may be covered under a health guarantee that covers congenital, or inherited conditions.

Best of luck,
