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Seperation Anxiety?

19 11:33:39

I just got a 8 1/2 week old Maltipoo (1/2 Maltese, 1/2 Poodle), inside dog, not yet spayed, eats dry Eubakanba small breed puppy (what the Breeder had her on)and string cheese bits when she goes potty in her potty area.

I want and intend to crate train her. She was ok sleeping in her crate the first 3 nights as long as she could see me. I had to go grocery shopping and left her in her crate for 45 minutes. When I left she was crying and still was when I got back. Now, when I put her in her crate she starting crying and making perhaps the worst sounds a dog could make whether it's at night, or during the day. She also starts crying when she is left on the other side of the puppy gate in her area when I can't watch her. I have tried to shake an aluminum can when she starts crying to startle her as well as squirting her with a water bottle. I also have left the TV on for her so she has some noise. Nothing seems to have done any good. I do want to crate train her but I am at my wit's end because the noise is so heart wrenching. I know she is still a baby and she was flown to me so she may associate her crate with leaving her mom/littermates, but I honestly have no idea what to do. Any help that you can offer me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much in advance!

Your puppy is behaving just like most puppies do when you try to crate train them, Melissa. It's vital that you NOT give in to the crying and let her out. Instead, you must completely ignore her (which means no scolding, too!) until she shuts up. As soon as she stops crying, even if it's only for a few seconds (and you will probably miss it the first few times, so don't be worried if you do), praise her in a happy voice and go let her out.