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Dog is in cycle and peeing Blood

19 11:44:28

Basically, it that normal.  I don't know anything about female dogs when they are in heat.  Is she supose to pee blood?  Thank you.


My FIRST recommendation to you is to have your dog spayed. Aside from preventing the chance that she will add to the millions and millions of homeless pets that are already waiting for homes in shelters across America, it will benefit her own health immensly. Spayed dogs don't suffer the discomfort of heat, are better behaved, and don't develop reproductive diseases and issus like ovarian cancer, pyometras, etc. They are also less likely to develop mammary cancer, and live longer, healthier lives on average. Spaying is a commonplace, affordable procedure that is well worth it all around. Financial assistance is almost always available.

As for your question, she probably isn't "peeing blood". She's basically having her period. As long as it is only happening when she is in heat, it's probably okay. If you ever see even a trace of blood in her urine when she isn't in heat though, she needs to be seen by a veterinarian. Things like bladder infections and kidney stones can cause this.

Best wishes,