Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > aggression/biting


19 9:23:50

I have a 6 year old St. Bernard, we got him when he was 5 weeks old. He is a very loving dog with people he knows. I did not socialize him very much when he was a puppy. My fault! Anyways, over the last year he has shown some aggression toward my kids ages 15 and 17. And last week he bit my daughter twice on the arm and once on the foot. and then a week later he bit her boyfriend. Both for no apparent reason. We are so lost and confused.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Hi Penny,

As dogs reach their senior years, physical problems such as arthritis, dental problems, hip problems, losing their hearing, or sight and just plain aches and pains, make them more protective of themselves. Respect the fact they are not as capable of defending themselves as they once could, without showing signs of aggression.

Have your dog examined by your vet to see if there's a medical problem, or if pain medication is needed. Many dogs are very stoic about showing pain, which is why they need blood tests etc. to get a diagnosis.

Best of luck,
