Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > female minuture pincher

female minuture pincher

19 10:55:39

QUESTION: When ever are pet cockatiel moves around her cage she furiously barks at it and bares her fangs.She then will  lunges at the cage and continue to bark.How can I get her to stop this behavior before she gives my poor three year old  female pearl cocketiel a heart attack?
What would be a quick way to train her from this habit

ANSWER: How is she with water? One of the quickest and simplest ways is to set a spray bottle on stream and spray the dog in the face as you angrily tell her to "KNOCK IT OFF" (or whatever your command is to stop doing something). Praise her as soon as she stops barking... "GOOOOD QUIET". If water doesn't bother her, you can try a 50/50 mixture of water and Bitter Apple, but with that you must be sure to not get it near her (or the bird's) eyes.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: She hates being alone in her cage at night how can i make it so she will not bark and wine at night.Also not to bark and whine when I put her in her cage during the day while I am at work.

The best way to get a dog to like its crate is to feed it in there, and to give it a small treat when you put it in its crate. When you leave her in there, give her something like a Kong toy with a treat in it to give her something to do. I always leave a radio on for my dogs when I am gone.

You seem to be having some behavior problems with your miniature pinscher. You really MUST get her into obedience classes for a few months, and start practicing "Nothing in Life is Free" with her.