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Chihuahua loss of blance, appetite.

19 11:25:28

I have a 5yr old chi who is going down hill rapidly. At first she was diagnosed with a spinal injury based on weightloss and her back leg weakness, she has been to a specialist since then, been on anti-inflammatories and cage rest, then Prednesone.. and now antibiotics to treat an infection. She is getting progressively worse staggering, loss of coordination, eye watering (incidently on her weakest side) I am soo frusrated no one seems to be able to tell me what is wrong with her.

Dear Amy,

Thank you for writing to me.  My heart is breaking for you and your little Chi.

It is obvious that your vet doesn't have a clue as to what is going on. You simply must get a second opinion from a specialist...I would suggest that you start with a neurologist.  Hopefully you aren't too far from a teaching vet hospital where there are all kinds of specialists.

Check everything she's been in contact with...chemicals, flea collars and baths, formaldehyde in new rugs, new cleaners, vaccinations (no more ever for her), the contaminated dog foods and toys, etc etc.  Something has effected her ability to cope with anything and you need to find out what it is...or...she has some kind of viral condition or tumor that is effecting her on the same side of her body.  She may need to undergo a full body scan to determine exactly what might be going on.

Right now your vet is treating symptom after symptom without a clue as to the cause.  Only a skilled specialist with access to cutting edge evaluation equipment can get to the root of the problem.

All my prayers for a full recovery for your beloved Chi.

Best Regards,
Shelley Davis

ps:neurological (e.g. she has some atrophying of the hind leg muscles, flinches when certain parts of her back are touched).  They believe it may be a compressed spinal disc.  They believe this may have caused the recurrence of
elimination problems, either b/c she is stressed out by the pain and decreased mobility,