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Crate chewing

19 11:11:15

My dog has developed an interesting habit of chewing the bars of his crate when we are not home. I've tried putting bitter tasting spray on the bars, giving him plenty of exercise before leaving him, and we always leave him plenty of chew toys and treats to occupy him but all he wants to do is chew his bars. I'm worried he's going to hurt himself by doing this, can you suggest anything I can do to make him stop?

That is not a problem I have had.  Of course, I use plastic crates with fewer bars to chew.  Partly covering the crate could help.  Be sure and use something the dog can't pull in and shred.  Try a kong filled with peanut butter.  Freeze it and it will keep the dog busy even longer.  

How long are you leaving the dog alone?  if more than 4-5 hours, try to give him a break somehow.  You could have a neighbor or a professional dog walker come.  Better yet is the doggy day care.