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Healthy coat

19 13:57:28


         I have a 9 year old female lab, it seems like she sheds all year and a lot more  in the summer.  Her coat does not seem to be healthy, is there anything I can give her or change her diet to help, any help would be great.  Thanks

Hello David.  There is a product called NO SHED, it is a supplement for shedding dogs.  I believe is has some great vitamins in it and promotes a healthy coat.  Labs will shed year round, especially if they are kept indoors.  The heat in the winter tells them to shed and the air conditioning tells they to grow coat, then the outside in either season tells them the opposite.  See the problem?  But with a healthy coat and frequent brushing you will see a difference.  I also have a black lab and it has made a difference for him.  Thanks for asking, Cindy Lou :)