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my chow chow

19 11:57:16

Hi agian just one more question please about the ChowCHow what  about hot spots I heard they can look the same cause one now has a slight sore one it.
Thank you
God Bless
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I hope this letter finds you to some what help me.
I have a 1 year old AKA chow chow who recently has gotten a really bad skin infection and I don't get paid for another week to take her to the doctors. This is the problem. About a week ago I started to notice that she was itchy so I said " I will keep an eye on it. Well a couple of days ago when I was trimming he coat I noticed a tennis ball of hair missing on her base of her hind end. And a little spot on her right leg. I just gave her a bath and noticed that little spot has turned to a a biggersize of a tennis ball missing of hair. Her personality is still the same but I don't know what to do till I get to the doctors for her or what it could be . Could it be mange that is what I fear. See I have two other very heathly dogs and I don't want them to get it. So now my little "Furby"  has big bald spots. Any ideas Please help me .
Thank you
God Bless
Hey there. Honestly, there's nothing that you can really do at home for this problem. It's something that a vet needs to diagnose & prescribe medication for. Be sure she's on flea prevention also. The best is Frontline & this can be purchased at the vet. Let me know what else I can do to help. Thanks!

Hot spots can leave a bright red & very irritated area. Either way, the area needs to be shaved & cleaned by a vet. Hot spots can spread & they too need antibiotics. Long hair fuzzy dogs can have these issues sometimes. Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks!