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Dog stopped eating after we got a bitch

19 11:26:45


My dog pup (lab) was eating healthy until when we got a bitch lab pup recently. i feed them in two separate bowls and she eats up all her food as well as his.

Even tho his bowl might be full; he has stopped eating from his and tries to eat from hers but she growls and drives him away, as a result, he is just not getting enough food. I am extremely worried as he is losing weight.

What am I doing wrong? shud i place the bowls in seprate rooms? is he not eating due to a medical condition? Pls HELP!


Its best to feed the adult dog twice daily at shedualed times, feed the puppy three to four times a day at shedualed times, feed them in there crates or in closed off seperate rooms the adult dog will gain too much weight eatting puppy kibble and the puppy may get an upset stomach from eatting her food and the adult dog food...some times pupswill get until they are ready to puke so offer small portions.