Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > Chihuahua ripped her dew claw off

Chihuahua ripped her dew claw off

19 14:06:05

My 9 year old chihuahua ripped off one of her front dew claws this morning. It bled, but not much for a little while.  You can tell that it was painful when it first happened. It seems to be ok now she is acting normal, barking at everything, eating normal, she is walking normal. It seems to be fine. She has ripped this same nail off about 3 years ago, I brought her to the vet and they put something yellow on it to prevent bleeding. That's all that was done. It did bleed more that time than this time. Should i be concerned, should this be looked at by a vet or should it be ok to wait it out and just make sure that infection does not develop?

Hi Chrissy,

I don't see the need to take her to a vet because I doubt they will do anything except look at it and tell you to just keep an eye on it.  You could clean it with peroxide.  There's really nothing that can be done, and if she is not bleeding any longer  then I wouldn't worry about it.  Too bad the dewclaws were not removed when she was born, it sure would have made it easier on her, but some breeders don't bother with it.  I think she will be fine.

God Bless,