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dog constipation

19 10:17:46

I have a  10 year old lab/shar pei mix.  She has just finished a 3 week round of antibiotic cephalexin and steroid prednisone.  I have noticed frequent tries to eliminate today with no elimination.  I don't know if the medicine has anything to do with it, but I have read online that Laxatone can help with constipation in small breed dogs.  Is it something that would possibly work for this situation?  I already have it on hand because we also have 2 cats.

Hey there Laurie

Yes, this can happen with antibiotics, its fairly common. Before you try any laxatives, which should only be done under the observation of a vet, try giving her half a can of canned pumpkin filling from the store. This is a wonderful home remedy that has worked for me countless times. It tends to "flush" the system.

Good luck!