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when to spay Zeeba (female Siberian Husky)

19 9:18:58

Zeeba is 1 year old, she has been always friendly and playful, and I fostered Lola (female mixed German Shepherd and Border Collie) when she was 8 months old, they have been playful and on good terms even in sharing food. Recently it has gotten very aggressive between them and I am thinking because Zeeba is soon getting her 2nd period. When can I spay both of them? Lola still hasn't gotten her 1st period.


Hi Layal,

The optimum time to spay a female dog is before her first heat cycle, but you can spay your dogs at any time. Having a heat cycle does not make a female dog calmer or less aggressive.

You didn't say if your other dog is a male or a female. There are more behavioral problems in households with two female dogs, than there are between male and female dogs. According to Katherine Houpt, VMD, PhD, DACVB, former director of the Animal Behavior Clinic at Cornell University Hospital for Animals, spaying may actually contribute to behavioral problems. Although the study was small, Houpt suggests that veterinarians should consider performing a hysterectomy rather than an ovariohysterectomy for preventive health reasons in aggressive pet female dogs.

Aside from spaying, you need to work with both dogs so they can be trained into not fighting. If you've never trained dogs before, you might consider working with a dog trainer as a quick way of resolving this problem. The longer the aggression goes on, the harder it will be to stop, and things will get a whole lot worse with time.
Your veterinarian or a local boarding kennel might be able to give you a referral to a trainer.

Though your dogs undoubtedly love you, the more aggressive of the two dogs sees herself as the "alpha" or leader of the pack, rather than seeing you as the leader. One simple thing you can do to help fix this warped perception is to practice the Nothing In Life is Free training regimen on Both dogs. Read about that here:

Anything that brings out aggression (such as meal time) should be avoided. Feed your dogs in separate areas, make sure they have separate toys, etc.

Best of luck,
