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19 10:53:10

My dog is neutered. He will not stay next to me when I walk him. I am also am pushing a stroller. He is on a fairly short nylon leash. I pull back on him and say no when he barks at the people and dogs. The pinch coller still fits him I am unsure its size but i can put extra links in or take them out if needed. When I put it on him I make him sit then I put it on him. He listens well but as soon as we get outside and start walking he starts to make a kind of whine. Then as soon as we see someone he barks. Even if my husband and I are both walking and he is not next to the stroller it is the same reaction. We did have private classes when he was 5 months old.

A pinch collar is probably the best way to fix this problem,if it doesn't fit,it might be a good idea to take him to the petstore and have him try on some there,thats the best way of knowing

And what you do when he pulls,'pop' back the leash and say 'here' and walk where YOU want to go

And when he barks,jerk the leash back fast and hard and say 'leave it' loud and firm

Pinch collar work faster then chock chains and even haltis