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rescued female mixed breed

19 11:11:57

female dog was abandoned at local Lowes on parking lot with a bag of food. she avoided being caught for two weeks. she has since been caught and taken to shelter. i have adopted her and spayed two days ago. she is home now in kennel. she will not come out of kennel will not walk on leash. i have set up another kennel for her to walk in and use the bathroom. how should we be interacting with her? she is so afraid and seems to only want to eat and sleep. wondering how to approach her. thanks

Well it is good to go slow for a while,but even do small things like tossing her some treats,then getting her to take treats out of your hand,then eventually giving her treats and petting her at the same time

Coaxing a dog with small treats is a good way to earn trust,as well as getting them to do what you want them to do,without upsetting them