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American Staff walks thru my garden

19 10:45:44

My 5 year old American Staff will not stay out of my back flower gardens. He walks thru like he's oblivious to the flowers. Sometimes he even poops in the earth in the garden.
Is there some fragrane or noise or anything that will keep him out of all the hard work I've done.

Hi Lori,

You dog has no idea that your flowers are a spot he should avoid. A good way of keeping your dog out of your flowers is a fence. There are many attractive wire fences that you just push into the ground (some interlock) and should be tall enough to keep your dog out of the flowers. You can find this sort of thing at garden supply stores. Here are a couple of examples of what I'm talking about:

There are also dog repellents you can buy such as Boundary Dog Repellent granules, Repel II Cat & Dog Repellent, and Farnam B'have dog repellent spray. I don't know how effective a dog repellent is. I think the flower edging fencing is more of a sure thing.

Hope that helps!