Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > DASHHOUND PREGNANCY


19 10:37:57

Hi my dachshund looks very pregnant and is from my other dachshund. Can you please tell me how to take care of her how long is the period of pregnancy. She looks very big on her tummy and her mammal glands are hanging. Actually this is her first time and I would like to get some information to take care of her.

Dear Ruth,

Thank you for writing to me about your doxie who may be pregnant.

I am of the personal opinion that unless someone is a professional, responsible breeder that all dogs should be spay/neutered.  For every puppy born there is one less home for a dog waiting on death row.  There just aren't enough homes to go around.

Additionally, spay/neutering your dogs will prevent some deadly cancers.

The source for information should be your vet.  Your female needs a prenatal exam and care.  Please consult with your vet who is your medical professional.

Shelley Davis