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my 7 month old dog i just adopted will not go to the bathroom outside

19 9:40:24

I adopted a 7 month old lab mix from the pound   she is amazingly paper trained! so far she goes on the pee pads every time .  But, she absolutely will not go outside.  Even when she hasn't been after 8hrs of sleep and had an hour walk she walks right back in the house and pees on the pad.  I have tried to bring the pad outside with us both clean and with some of her urine on it for scent .... Nothing Ever , Not Once!!  Help how do i get her to go ?

Hi Beth;
I understand this problem, I have one doing it right now I just adopted, it is very difficult to get an older puppy!
Mine was about 5 months, and very smart!!
So, keep her outside as much as possible...mine is doing the I won't pee unless I know it is my territory thing...that is a typical female issue.
Yours may be the same way!
So, do use the outside now for the main environment, and then crate her in the house for short intervals, and take her outside, and keep using the same terminology: "Go Potty" eventually she will...probably make her a run or her own area, this way she will go to the same scent, and use it there! Praise the heck out of her when she does it! Some dogs when they have been pee pad trained, that is may never get her to change??? It is possible. But, lets hope!
Best of Luck,