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Jack Russell training as started peeing on carpet

19 9:19:49


I have a Jack Russell girl that is about 9 months old now and toilet trained and everything has been going really well. We live in an apartment so sometimes we can only take her out for a long walk / run once a day although we try morning and evening. But we don't have a backyard for her at the moment until we find a house.

In the last week or so the dog has started peeing all over the living room for no apparent reason. If we leave the room even for 5 minutes she will pee on the doorway. If we don't play with her when she wants she will pee on the carpet right in front of us! But if we leave the house for work she's fine for hours.

I know punishing her is not the option, we've been putting her in a crate for an hour but it's not really working. Otherwise she is quite obedient so it seems she is just trying to be the alpha of the house. But how can we fix that before all our carpets are ruined?

How many times a day can she go out to go to the bathroom?  Maybe she has been asking and you are ignoring her?  She will develop an urinary tract infection if she has to hold it too long.  Do you have pads down so she can go when you don't walk her?  She should be going out at least 5 times per day to relieve her bladder.  You are forcing her to go in the house if she doesn't go out this many times per day.  If you can't take her out, then give her some pads to pee on in a certain area.