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Hand shyness

19 9:51:37

My dog is very hand shy everyone tells me it is a sign of abuse I am not sure. I just really want her to be friendly around new people instead of running into MY lap and being anti-social.
                                       -Thank you so much Kate

Hi Kate,

Thank you for writing to me about your hand shy dog.  The best way to a dog's heart is through food, so have your friends feed your dog a delicious treat that you use only for this desensitization process.  

Start by giving your dog this very special treat and a command, like, "say hello."  Then when it's time for a friend (perhaps sitting next to you on the couch) to give a little treat..and you tell your dog, "say hello."  Eventually your dog will understand that "say hello" means to be friendly and will start to feel more relaxed and trusting around people.

Best of luck,
Shelley Davis