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sister-in-laws miniture dashhound

19 11:45:57

My sis-in-law has a miniture dashound. (litle wiener dog) It has what looks like a red blister on her toe. It is soft and she tried to drain it, it didn't seem to hurt the dog, but it didn't help either. She won't take her to the vet yet, but I am wondering what the spot could be. It doesn't seem to bother the dog, and she has had one spot before that went away. What could it be? Maybe if I get a maybe she will take the dog in to be taken care of...

Hi Charity and thanks for your question.

This dog has, what sounds like, an interdigital cyst.

They are usually between the toes and can become bothersome if not removed. They will appear to go away and then re-appear, over and over again. It is not unusual for short haired dogs to get them, because of the hair growth in that area. It's kind of like an ingrown hair that forms a cyst-like growth around the folicle.

The only way to get them to go away for good, is to have them surgically removed.