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is my dog pregnant

19 11:51:43

i have a black lab who was mated at 10 days onto her season by my newly neutered choclate lab. he had been nuetered 10 day prevouis.

My bitch is now on day 28 since her mating, and she has sysmtoms such as her vulva is still swollen, she is very relaxed ie sleepy and sluggish. Her nipples have enlarged slightly and her bottoms udders look bigger, She has filled out justy below her rib cage too.

While ten days is a bit early for ovulation in most bitches, sperm can survive up to a week in the uterus waiting for those eggs to mature. Also sperm can still be viable for a few weeks in the reproductive tract of a male after neutering, so there is a very good chance that your bitch could be pregnant.

Also false pregnancies will show the same signs as real pregnancies, so the only way to know for sure is to take her into your vet for an examination.
