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vaccination information

19 11:31:35

Please do not give advice about vaccination dosage for dogs.  I read your bio and I don't see anything there that makes your qualified to tell people whether or not it is safe to vaccinate a dog two time within a short time period.  I believe the answer you gave on the subject is irresponsible and may do someone's dog great harm.  I have a dog that was over-vaccinated.  He developed autoimmune corneal degeneration and immune mediated polyarthritis in all of his joints.  We will never know for sure if the over vaccination caused these diseases, but they are tragic diseases and I would be very careful about making recommendations about something that there is so much scientific study on.  Again, please don't answer questions if you are not informed on the subject, you could do someone great harm.

Hello Robin,  This is an informed answer, you may not agree with my opinion of this answer, but you should not assume that my answer is not informed and that I am not qualified to answer it.  The person asked for my opinion and I gave it.  I do not give answers out of thin air and only answer questions I have knowledge about.  My bio does not go into detail about all of my credentials nor of every bit of job experience I have.  I am sorry for your bad experience and yes what happended to you can happen, but not in every breed, most commonly Wiemeriners for one.  And as you stated you may never know what caused your dogs disease.  I am sorry for your situation, but please do not ASSUME that when answering questions I take that task lightly.  Your response and lecture was uncalled for and irresponsible on your part. You should take your own advice and be very careful about who you lecture, and give advice to!