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chosing the right dog food

19 11:05:08

I have a 15 week old Jack Russell. When we got him he was in a small pen, he didn't have enough room to run around and he has a little puppy fat. I know that Jack Russells are energetic dogs so what kind of dog food would you suggest to be best for him?

Any kind of premium dog food is fine. Choose one that pet stores carry and not from wal mart or the grocery store. Basic rule of thumb is choose a dog food with no by products, no wheat,. no soy no corn and no BHA/BHT. Try to choose from brands like Wellness. Royal Canine. Natural Balance. Flint River or Eagle pack.
What you put into your dog will determine not only his health and well being but also what you clean up! Wheat is a serious allergen as are corn and soy., they are just fillers and don't do your dog any good whatsoever. By products are not a good source of protein or nutrition.
Good luck with your baby. I have a feeling that in your loving home that baby fat will melt right away :)