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My 2 Japanese Spitz

19 9:40:08

Hi, quick question I have a desexed female japanese spitz, and an undesexed male japanese spitz. I'm really confused to why the female always humps the male, the male allows it but its really disturbing to watch can I stop this in any way? Whenever I see them doing they'd stop and look embarassed.

Also she masturbates, she bites a towel and humps it, she does it whenever a guest is over and it is really embarassing.



Hi Timmy,

The mounting (humping) behavior you've seen has nothing to do with sex. A dominant dog (or a dog attempting to show its dominance or rank) will often mount the submissive dog. It's not at all odd that your spayed female mounts your male dog, for dogs no behavior is purely male or purely female, it all has to do with fact your female is the more dominant of the two.

Spaying a female dog will sometimes result in an increase in testosterone influence, if they produce androgenic (testosterone-like) hormones at  higher levels than most females and then the suppressing effect of estrogen is removed due to spaying.  This can cause an increase in aggressive or dominance behaviors and that can mean that mounting behaviors will occur. It is possible to test for hormonal levels and to get an idea whether this is the problem, if that seems necessary at any point.

To stop the mounting behavior, make a loud noise, such as clapping your hands or by putting a few coins in an empty soda can and shaking the can loudly when the mounting behavior starts. As you make the startling noise, firmly tell your female dog "NO!", you can even physically remove her from your male dog. In time, if you are consistent with your corrections, she will get the message not to mount your male dog. If your female dog is trained to do follow commands (such as come, sit, down, etc.) give her a short pop quiz to reinforce your position as the true dominate member of the "pack", who must be obeyed.

You may be able to ease the need to constantly express this behavior by reassuring your female dog of her dominant status. Feeding her first, petting her first, putting her leash on first when preparing for walks, letting her out the door first all help. In some instances it may be necessary to ignore the male dog when both dogs are present and keep the attention given to the male "private" so that he doesn't become jealous.  

Best of luck,